We will be joining Team 58, Riot Crew, at their wonderful kickoff potluck and rules review session at South Portland High School.  Please sign up on our Perfect Potluck link if you are able to bring any food!  The team will be carpooling from Baxter/Lancaster, but students should be picked up from SoPo HS after the dinner (around 8pm).

Agenda provided by The Riot Crew:


·  4:45 Dinner setup, teams arrive.

·  5:00 Dinner served

·  6:00-6:40 First session. Teams, randomly assigned to tables, will be given a topic to review from the new manual.  Each table will pre-designate a spokesperson and scribe.  An envelope with instructions will be provided for each table.

·  6:40 Shuffle groups

·  6:45-8:00  The spokesperson from each first session group will briefly (<2min) describe two key takeaways from their first session table discussion. Then each session two table will discuss those takeaways for 5 minutes.

·  Scribes must turn in the papers after reveal.  Papers will be scanned and emailed to each team for sharing.

·  Due to time constraints, we will have a timer and follow this agenda strictly.